序号 |
产品 |
1 |
预制混凝土制品(Prefabricated concrete products) |
2 |
门(doors/gates)、窗(windows, shutters)及相关建筑五金(hardware) |
3 |
隔膜(membrane) |
4 |
保温材料/套件/系统(thermal insulation product) |
5 |
结构支座(structural bearings)、结构连接用销(pins for joints) |
6 |
烟囱(chimneys)、烟道(flues) |
7 |
石膏产品(gypsum products) |
8 |
土工织物(geotextiles)、土工膜(geomembranes) |
9 |
幕墙(curtain walling)、室外覆层(cladding)、结构性密封胶(structural sealants glazing) |
10 |
固定消防设备(fixed fire fighting equipment) |
11 |
卫生洁具(sanitary appliances) |
12 |
循环装置(circulation fixtures),公路设备(road equipment) |
13 |
木质结构(structural timber products) |
14 |
木基板材(wood based panels) |
15 |
水泥(cement)、建筑石灰(building limes)、水硬性胶凝材料(hydraulic binders) |
16 |
混凝土用钢筋(reinforcing steel)、预变形钢材(prestressing steel) |
17 |
石材(masonry) |
18 |
废水工程产品(waste water engineering products) |
19 |
地板(floorings) |
20 |
金属结构产品(structural metallic products) |
21 |
内外墙及天花板饰品(internal & external wall and ceiling finishes) |
22 |
屋顶覆盖物(roof coverings)、采光天窗(roof lights)、天窗(roof windows) |
23 |
道路建筑产品(road construction products) |
24 |
粒料(aggregates) |
25 |
建筑用胶(construction adhesives) |
26 |
混凝土(concrete)、砂浆(mortar)、水泥浆(grout) |
27 |
采暖燃具(space heating appliances) |
28 |
与应用水不接触的管、罐(pipes-tanks not in contact with water intended for human consumption) |
29 |
与应用水直接接触的建筑产品(construction products in contact with water intended for human consumption) |
30 |
玻璃制品(glass product) |
31 |
能源、控制及通讯电缆(power, control and communication cables) |
32 |
接头密封材料(sealants for joints) |
33 |
附件(fixings) |
34 |
建筑物组件、单元及预制品(building kits, units, and prefabricated elements) |
35 |
挡火物、封火墙、及消防产品(fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products),防火产品(fire retardant products) |